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Notice Board


Latest information from Alderminster Parish Council

Casual vacancies:
There are now two more casual vacancies on the Parish Council caused by the resignations of the Chairman, Cllr Karen Jones and Cllr Lesley Casley.  Please click here for the statutory notice relating to Cllr Jones and here for Cllr Casley's.  
From now on, anyone wishing to vote in local or national elections will need to produce photographic ID.  If you don't have this form of ID, you can obtain a Certificate of Voting Authority from the website.  Alternatively, you can visit the Council offices in Elizabeth House, Stratford, where staff will take your photograph and assist in obtaining a certificate.
Alderminster Mileposts:
The first phase of the Restoring Warwickshire Waymarkers Project was completed on the 13th January 2023, when the surviving three, now restored, Alderminster Parish mileposts were reinstated on the highways of the A422 and A3400.
The restoration and reinstatement work, funded by the National Lottery, Alderminster Parish Council and the Milestone Society and supported by Warwickshire County Highways was carried out by Fisher Landscapes in conjunction with The Milestone Society.  
The mileposts date back from 1901 and were manufactured for the County of Worcester when Alderminster was in Worcestershire prior to boundary changes later in the 20th century.  Two of the mileposts have been put back in their pre-restoration locations.  The third has also been put back in its correct position by the entrance to Alderminster village.  It has spent time in the Shipston-on-Stour museum after been rescued from a skip by the late Mike Ashley, the museum's joint curator.  Before he passed away Mike requested that The Milestone Society should use its best endeavours to restore the post and put it back in its rightful place.  This has now been achieved.
The restored mileposts now once again sit proudly in the highway adding to the historic wayside heritage for the benefit of the general public.  
Culvert survey:
A copy of the report on the condition of the culvert is available to view here.
Housing Needs Survey report:
Thank you to all those who took part in the Housing Needs Survey.  A copy of the report is available to view here.  
Councillor resignation:
There is a vacancy on the Parish Council caused by the resignation of Cllr Ian Sloan.  Click here for a copy of the statutory notice.
Planning application for 17 self/custom build homes in Alderminster
click here

Have your say on Warwickshire's Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)

Add your voice and help improve walking and cycling conditions in your area. Your input will help to shape the future development of walking and cycling routes across Warwickshire. Click here to add your comments.

Newsletter from Cllr O'Donnell
Please click here for the latest newsletter from Cllr O'Donnell.
Children's Services and Adult Social Care.
Warwickshire County Council has produced two leaflets giving contact details for anyone needing help from Children's Services.  Please click here for a copy of the leaflet.
If anyone believes they have unmet Adult Social Care and support needs,  further information about accessing help can be obtained here.  
Site Allocations Plan Stratford District Council

Some residents of Alderminster have received a copy of this letter.  If there are any issues you would like to discuss with the Parish Council, please contact either the clerk or one of the Councillors.    

Parish Council Grant Fund

Alderminster Parish Council has a small grant fund available for projects of benefit to the community.  Please click here for a copy of the application form.  

Alscot Estate

Alscot Estate has raised concern about the increased use - by dog walkers - of the fields adjacent to The Bell.


The estate  withdrew agreements for grazing on this land to allow immediate access by Alscot Estate/The Bell to clean fields. 


Since livestock has been removed, the fields are being frequented more and more by dog walkers. 


The land does not have any public rights of way across it, nor has public access been sanctioned. 


Therefore, people are requested to refrain from using these fields for exercising dogs.


Alscot Estate is sympathetic to the needs of dog walkers and is exploring the possibility of offering alternative routes across estate land. 



Shipston SNT Surgeries

The Shipston SNT surgeries are held at the Council Offices in New Clerk House, West Street, Shipston-on-Stour, CV36 4HD. The surgeries will be held for half an hour so please come along to discuss any issues or concerns.


Click here for the latest Safer Neighbourhood Team newsletter.


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