Local news
Information from the Alderminster community
There have been a number of reports across the village of telephone and internet connectivity problems. If you have been affected, please contact Roger Harrison (rogerharrisondsl@gmail.com).
Roger is gathering information to establish the extent of the problem.
Community Transport
VASA is a community transport service staffed by volunteer drivers.
Drivers are enhanced DBS checked, referenced and carry ID.
WHAT DOES IT COST? You pay the volunteer driver 45p per mile and a £3 admin fee to help sustain the service.
Two hours of waiting time is included in the cost of a booking.
HOW TO BOOK A JOURNEY. The booking line is open Monday to Friday between 9.30am & 3pm.
Telephone: 01789 262889
Email: transport@vasa.org.uk
Salvation Army Clothing Bank
Situated at The Village Hall car park.
Scam HMRC telephone calls on the rise warn Trading Standards!
Residents across Warwickshire should beware of phone calls from fraudsters claiming to be HMRC, warns Warwickshire County Council’s Trading Standards Service.
If you have a vulnerable family member, neighbour or friend, make sure they are aware of this scam and how they can protect themselves.
Be Aware:
HMRC will never use texts to advise of a tax rebate or penalty.
HMRC will never or ask for payment using iTunes gift card voucher codes or similar.
Telephone numbers and text messages can easily be spoofed. You should never trust the number you see on your telephone’s display.
If you receive a suspicious cold call, end it immediately.
WANTED: Minibus Drivers
WRCC is a registered charity. Its mission is to tackle disadvantage and support resilience and initiatives in rural Warwickshire communities. It is currently looking to recruit minibus drivers to take children to an from school. Click here for more information about this opportunity.
VASA: Voluntary Action Stratford on Avon District
Volunteer drivers needed to take clients for medical appointments or to groups and activities to help overcome social isolation.
Have you got some spare time during the day to help this community service?
You can chose to do as many journeys as you like each month and mileage costs are paid (45p per mile).
Call 01789 262889 or email volunteer@vasa.org.uk
The Church Clock...
If you are interested in the history of the clock or want to join the volunteer clock winders, email John Melville.
CSW Broadband (Coventry, Solihull, Warwickshire Broadband
Funded by Central Government and Warwickshire County Council. Stratford District Council is also a project partner.
The target is to achieve 98% coverage at superfast speeds (minimum 30Mbps) dependent on funding, by the end of the project in late 2019.
This will not only increase superfast broadband coverage, but will also enable a wide range of providers to offer services.
This increased competition should help drive down service costs.
Click here to find out what coverage is planned for your home or business by the end of 2019.
History of Alderminster...
...We would like to update this website to provide some history of Alderminster.
Please contact the Parish Clerk (alderminsterpc@gmail.com) if you would like to help with this.